the difference between a spa and a massage can be the question of many people. The most important difference between these two comes from their usage and focus.

If you're the type to enjoy a good sweat, then consider a Korean kiln sauna. The kiln sauna, also known as the 'Han jeung mak', is a Korean tradition dating back to the 15th century. Burning pine tree wood sets the stage inside a stone structure with...

This may be a question for many of you; What is a spa and what are the types of spa? In general, a spa is a place where a variety of health or beauty services and relaxation are offered to customers. Spa services can include a simple pedicure or massage, receiving diet and treatment, relaxation, etc. Today, the spa industry is developing all over the world and you can find all kinds of spas in hotels, resorts, destinations, etc. these days, the spa is popular entertainment in the world. In this article, we are going to talk about the spa, its history, and its types of it. Stay with us.

In the foothills of the Indian Himalayas, miles from anywhere, a new resort tipped to become one of the world's leading wellness retreats has finally opened to guests after an...

Reflexology is the exertion of pressure on targeted areas of the feet (or hands) using the acupressure points found on a reflexology foot chart. The art is said to have originated in the lands of China, Egypt and India. Its based on the belief that the reflex points on soles of the feet correspond to various organs and parts of the body.

Napa Valley is one of the premier travel destinations in the world popular for its breath taking views and is located north of the San Francisco Bay Area. Napa Valley is widely considered one of the...

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