The next time anyone asks for a roll in the hay, you should remember that it's considered a therapeutic spa treatment in...

For many centuries, it's been used as currency, before the invention of paper money (which was made because of lack of gold), in jewelry, and in many industry areas. It's still considered the basis for the monetary standard and it's universally traded around the world.

Reflexology is the exertion of pressure on targeted areas of the feet (or hands) using the acupressure points found on a reflexology foot chart. The art is said to have originated in the lands of China, Egypt and India. Its based on the belief that the reflex points on soles of the feet correspond to various organs and parts of the body.

Q. I'm relatively a newcomer to massage and I've been trying to describe the experience to my friends. Why do I feel so good after a massage?

The history of Massage Therapy can be tracked back to over 5,000 years ago varying in many different types and applications. Chinese, Persian, and Egyptian cultures have all recorded the use of Massage Therapy for a variety of purposes including the improvement of circulatory and joint movement issues.

Quality healthcare is the great equalizer, even if access to it is not. Whether you're young or old, financially well-to-do or fiscally in-between, the need for sound healthcare remains the same. Today, this requisite reaches well beyond the...

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