ماساژ سوئدی

Swedish massage

Swedish massage is the first modern western massage.

Benefits of Swedish massage:

Due to increased blood flow to the muscles, oxygen and nutrients will be deposited to a greater extend at these locations. In addition, toxins such as lactic acid are removed at a greater rate which results in overall refreshment.
Furthermore, this type of massage improves sleep quality which has its own positive effects such as relaxation of the mind and strengthening of the immune system.
This massage is highly recommended to those who are frequently suffering from daily stress and tension. Vunerable individuals who are experiencing depression-like symptoms can also benefit from this type of massage.
Swedish massage has the ability to warm up and strengthen muscles which are not used frequently. This feature reduces the possibility of future injuries regarding these muscles and also slows down the process of muscle aging.
Swedish massage improves functioning of the lymphatic system which speeds up the removal of toxins that have been generated as the result of body’s metabolic activities. This process aids healing of muscle cramps, wounds and bruises. Finally, this massage is recommended for those who suffer from weakened joints because it can increase tissue elasticity and flexibility which eventually results in reduction of pain associated with the affected joints.

Swedish massage techniques:

Swedish massage makes use of herbal oils and creams which are especially designed for this type of massage. The masseur employs a combination of stretch, pressure, vibrational movements together with zigzag and tapping motions which eventually boosts blood oxygenation as well as pushing toxins from muscles to the heart for removal.

Cost of service:

niloofarabi Service
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